
교과목 안내

CCMP1013컴퓨팅 사고(Computational Thinking)
CCMP108컴퓨터와 인간(Computer and Human)
HUM106문(文): 삶과 꿈(Life and Dream)
HUM107사(史)시대와 정신(Age and Spirit)
HUM201 해(解): 기호와 사유(Sign and Thought)
HUM104한문강독(Reading in Classical Chinese Writing)
HUM101 불어강독(Reading in French)
HUM103 중국어강독(Reading in Chinese)
HUM105일본어강독(Reading in Japanese)
CAJ0114 아주희망(Ajou Dream)
 CAJ0113아주인성(Ajou Virtues)
HIS112 한국사 입문(Introduction to Korean History)
HIS114 서양사 입문(Introduction to European History)
CUL101 문화콘텐츠학 입문(Introduction to Cultural Contents Studies)
HIS117 역사학으로의 초대(Invitation to Historical Studies)
HIS113 아시아사 입문(Introduction to Asian History)
HIS115 역사와 인물(Great Men in History)
CCMP202 영어데이터분석기초(Analysis of English Data)
CCMP105 데이터 분석기초(Basic Data Analysis)
HIS3320 한국근세사(Korean Early Modern History)
HIS229 한국고중세사(Korean History from Antiquity to Medieval Times)
HIS234 동양고중세사(Asian History from Antiquity to Medieval Times)
HIS244 서양고중세사(Western History from Antiquity to Medieval Times)
HIS245 서양근대사(European Modern History)
HIS267 영상매체와 역사(History in Modern Cinema)
HIS266 신화와 디지털콘텐츠(Myth and Digital Contents Studies)
CAJ01011 자기주도 진로탐색(Self-directed Career Exploration)
HIS227 한문사료강독(Reading in Korean and Asian Historical Materials)
HIS396 박물관학개론(Introduction to the Study of Museum)
HIS291 유럽의 전통과 문화유산(The European Heritage and Cultural Tradition)
HIS282 고고학개론(Introduction to Archaeology)
HIS346 영문사료강독(Reading Source Materials in Western History)
HIS397 역사융합세미나1(캡스톤디자인)(Seminar on History-Based Cross-Discipline1(Capstone Design))
HIS367 디지털역사학입문(캡스톤디자인)(Introduction to Digital Hisrory(Capstone Design))
HIS3910 디지털역사학연구방법론(캡스톤디자인) Data Analytic Methodology with Digital History(Capstone Design)
HIS 디지털역사학데이터분석연습(캡스톤디자인)(Data Analyric Practice with Digital History)
HIS269 유목민족의 역사와 문화(History and Culture for Nomadic Peoles)
ARE221 중국근현대사(Chinese Modern History)
ARE231 일본근현대사(Chinese Modern History)
HUM311/2/3/4 인문인턴십 1/2/3/4(Humanities Internship 1/2/3/4)
HIS325 한국근현대사(Korean History from Early Modern to Contemporary Times)
HIS342 서양현대사(European Contemporary History)
HIS463 문화로 역사읽기(Cutural Turn in History)
HIS345 아메리카사(History of the Americas)
ARE333 일본사상과 예술(Japanese Thought and Art)
HIS398 역사융합세미나2(캡스톤디자인)(Seminar on History-Based Cross-Discipline2(Capstone Design))
ARE323 중국사상과예술(Chinese Thought and Art)
HUM4112 산학협력전공실습1/2(캡스톤 디자인)(Industry-Academia Project1(Capstone Design))
ARE431 일본세미나(Seminar on Japan)